Mbatha Surname Origin
The Mbatha are Nguni people who originate from Mageba the son of Zulu through his grandson Sontshikazi. Mageba was a twin brother to Phunga who became a chief of the Zulu clan. Phunga and Mageba were seperated during infancy because they were twins and it was taboo to the Nguni people of the time for twins to grow up in the same household. Mageba grew up at her martenal home at Nkandla so that he wont be a threat to Phunga who was heir to the Zulu throne.
At Nkandla Mageba fathered Zitha (Phangizitha) who fathered
Sontshikazi. When Sontshikazi was old enough, his father Zitha left him to be head of the family and homestead when he went to be a regent of the Ntombela clan who were his relatives and had no strong leader at the time. Around the same time Mageba was called to be a chief of the Zulu clan as Phunga suddenly died without leaving a male heir. That is where Mageba begat Ndaba for Phunga who is a progenator of the Zulu kings. By that time the house of Mpangazitha was independent from the Zulu and it was taken as different clan altogether.
Sontshikazi became very prosperious and he had many cattle and wives as he was a famous sangoma (diviner). Sontshikazi loved to wear a full buffalo hide like a blanket, and his peoplE followed suit by wearing full cow hide like a blankets. When the neighbouring clans noticed the Sontshikazi people dress code they started to call them ‘AMAMBATHA’ (those who are always clad in blankets). The name stuck soon Sontshikazi’s homestead was referred to as ‘emambatheni’ it even became more so when Sontshikazi’s son Ndaba fathered many sons amongst others Mbeje, Dladla, Shandu, Dumisa, Mngeni and Nsibankulu were all called ‘Mbatha’ or sons of Emambatheni.
This makes it clear that the surname ‘Mbatha’ originated from the house of Sontshikazi due to their act of always be clad in blankets it then stuck up to today. It is also clear that there was previously no person named Mbatha although others started to give their sons this name due to its popularity. It was later used as a surname.
Thanks to Sontshikazi’s act today this surname ‘Mbatha’ is owned by millions of people.
In time Mbatha became a clan name on its own with many surnames under it. We can count among others, Mbeje, Dladla, Shandu, Khali, Kweyama, Vezi, Mangcengeza, Manyosi, Makhubalo, Mngunyana, Mathabela, Dumisa, Mngeni and others.
There are supposed to be six chieftaincies of Emambatheni, but there are at present two recognised by the RSA government…Vezunyawo at Nkonjeni Mahlabathini and Ndokozane at Ncome Vryheid/Uitrecht district. Amambatha have their annual heritage day at their main royal house at Nkonjeni Mahlabathini in September every year.
By: Sifiso Vezi
uVezi, kaKweyama, kaMgabadeli, kaDladla (EmaMbatheni) kaNdaba, kaSontshikazi (owayembatha izikhumba zenyathi /iziphuku) KaMpangazitha, kaMageba, kaZulu __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mina nginguSifiso kaZwelibanzi kaMadenge kaBadedele, kaNonjevu, kaMlamula, kaVezi, kaKweyama, kaMgabadeli, kaDladla (EmaMbatheni) kaNdaba, kaSontshikazi (owayembatha izikhumba zenyathi) kaMpangazitha, kaMageba, kaZulu
By: phumelela vezi
VEZI Machi, Goba elihle elingenazichuthuLawuNdenzaXabanisa abantu belungisaLiselaSdununu SeNsingisiMbonwaMbusiJolwayo.
By: Philani Vezi
Vezi Nonzwenzwe, Mnembe, Kweyama, Mgabadeli owagabadela inkudla yakwaBulawayo, Usinyakanyakan' obizelayo obizela ngononhlevu kawawa. Umlom'obovu enjengeTshiyane ,inyoni eyasuka eMampanga yahlal'eMampanga Wena wasemthondweni DIKI!!!!!!!!
By: Buyi Vezi
I mix engaka kodwa bakithi, mina iyangidida impela lento yezithakazelo!
By: Buyi Vezi
I mix engaka kodwa bakithi, mina iyangidida impela lento yezithakazelo!
By: lee vezi
Abantu bakwaZwane babizwa ngokuthi ngamaNgwe, bangamaNtungwa-Ntuli futhi badabuka enhla neAfrika, eMangweni. Iningi labo litholakala eHlobane ngaseFilidi, eMthezi, eMnambithi, ezintabe zoKhahlamba nakwezinye izingxenye zeKwaZulu Natal. UZwane uqhamuka ebukhosini bamaNgwe kwaqanjwa ngaye isibongo, kwathi ngokuhamba kwesikhathi kwabakhona nezinye izibongo eziphuma ngaphansi kwalobukhosi esingabala uCebekhulu. UZwane uzale uMungwe, uMungwe wazala uPhikelela, uPhikelela wazala uNsela (Ndabakansele) oyinkosana noVezi. UNsele uthathe ubukhosi ngemuva kukayise. UNsele uzale uZikode yena ozale uNsele wesibili. UNsele wesibili uzale uMafu oyinkosana, uMthayi, uMandaba noNqamane. Esekhotheme uNsele kuthathe uMafu. UMafu uzale uMangethe, uLinad noMgabhi. UMangethe ube yinkosi yaseMangweni. UMangethe uzale izingane eziningi, amadodana akhe abalelwa ekhulwini esingabala uMhlaba, uMchwayo, Ntshosho nabanye. UMangethe wakha umuzi wakubo awuqambe ngokuthi kuseMpolombeni. Lomuzi wakhiwe eduze netshe ayahlala kulo uma kuqulwa amacala esizwe noma ehlola imfuya yakhe. Ngaphambi kokuthi akhothame uMangethe ubize wonke amadodana akhe wathi awagibele etsheni lakhe kodwa ehluleka amaningi kwaba nguNtshosho owakwazi ukugibela lokhu okwenza ukuthi uMangethe ambeke njengalowo ozothatha ubukhosi ngemuva kwakhe. Itshe ayekhonze ukuhlala kulo libizwa ngokuthi yitshe likaMangethe bese kuthi idlinza (ithuna) lakhe libe kude buduze netshe. Amakhosi akwaZwane alandelana kanje UMbengo uzale uMbambo. UMbambo uzale uZwane, uZwane uzale uMungwe. UMungwe uzale uPhikelela yena ozale uNsele. UNsele uzale uZikode. UZikode uzale uNsele wesibili ozale uMafu yena wazala uMangethe ozale uNtshosho. UNtshosho uzale uCengesi ozale uThinta. UThinta uzale uDumisa ozale uNkanyezi yena ozale uMhlanganyelwa. UMhlanganyelwa uzale uNtshosho wesibili obusayo. Ohlangothini lwaseMajuba ngemuva kokukhothama kweNkosi uNkanyamba kaThinta, kuphathe uNsakansaka kaNkanyama. Ngemuva kokukhothama kukaNsakansaka kuthathe iNkosi u Ayanda osabusa.
By: lee vezi
Mbatha Surname Origin The Mbatha are Nguni people who originate from Mageba the son of Zulu through his grandson Sontshikazi. Mageba was a twin brother to Phunga who became a chief of the Zulu clan. Phunga and Mageba were seperated during infancy because they were twins and it was taboo to the Nguni people of the time for twins to grow up in the same household. Mageba grew up at her martenal home at Nkandla so that he wont be a threat to Phunga who was heir to the Zulu throne. At Nkandla Mageba fathered Zitha (Phangizitha) who fathered Sontshikazi. When Sontshikazi was old enough, his father Zitha left him to be head of the family and homestead when he went to be a regent of the Ntombela clan who were his relatives and had no strong leader at the time. Around the same time Mageba was called to be a chief of the Zulu clan as Phunga suddenly died without leaving a male heir. That is where Mageba begat Ndaba for Phunga who is a progenator of the Zulu kings. By that time the house of Mpangazitha was independent from the Zulu and it was taken as different clan altogether. Sontshikazi became very prosperious and he had many cattle and wives as he was a famous sangoma (diviner). Sontshikazi loved to wear a full buffalo hide like a blanket, and his peoplE followed suit by wearing full cow hide like a blankets. When the neighbouring clans noticed the Sontshikazi people dress code they started to call them ‘AMAMBATHA’ (those who are always clad in blankets). The name stuck soon Sontshikazi’s homestead was referred to as ‘emambatheni’ it even became more so when Sontshikazi’s son Ndaba fathered many sons amongst others Mbeje, Dladla, Shandu, Dumisa, Mngeni and Nsibankulu were all called ‘Mbatha’ or sons of Emambatheni. This makes it clear that the surname ‘Mbatha’ originated from the house of Sontshikazi due to their act of always be clad in blankets it then stuck up to today. It is also clear that there was previously no person named Mbatha although others started to give their sons this name due to its popularity. It was later used as a surname. Thanks to Sontshikazi’s act today this surname ‘Mbatha’ is owned by millions of people. In time Mbatha became a clan name on its own with many surnames under it. We can count among others, Mbeje, Dladla, Shandu, Khali, Kweyama, Vezi, Mangcengeza, Manyosi, Makhubalo, Mngunyana, Mathabela, Dumisa, Mngeni and others. There are supposed to be six chieftaincies of Emambatheni, but there are at present two recognised by the RSA government…Vezunyawo at Nkonjeni Mahlabathini and Ndokozane at Ncome Vryheid/Uitrecht district. Amambatha have their annual heritage day at their main royal house at Nkonjeni Mahlabathini in September every year.
By: lee vezi
Nduk'yomsimbothi eyashaya amanzi kwavela udaka, Ndimbi !