Clan Praise(s)

  • Mphemba, Ntuli,Wena kaSompisiSothole, Gudukazi uyiNcwayo.Khuboni, Sompisi, Mphemba ngamabele abafokazi bephemba ngezibi.Nina base Lenge,Enabonakala ngefu lezintuli.Kwabe kunguSompisi kaGuqa, kaMasalela.Mazimuzimu enidla' abantu.Mgwabini wemikhonto,Umahlatshwa ebuhleni njengethole.Umagaju njengengwe.Inhlangu eyeqa iphindaphinda.Umanxeba angamanxulumaKwasa bemhlaba uGwabini, waphika.Mphemba!Lang' elaphum' endlebeni yendlovu,Nyaka wumbeLophum' endlebeni yengwenya.Unonjiyelwa,Kulala uhlangothi lubomvu.Ugodo olumuka namankayiya.Mgwabini wemikhonto,Langa, sompisiMbhele, Mphemba, Sompisi, Godide, Ndlela, KhuboniNtuli Godide kaNdlela kaSompisi, Mphemba ngeBele abanye baphemba ngezibi zendlela, Ntuli 'zenkomo ezashunqa ukushona kwelanga, Ntuli ngiyesaba ukukubonga ngoba obonga wena uzona umlomo, Lombo lokothwayo, Bhelelihle  Ndlela ka Sompisi was the Priminister (uNdunankulu) of Dingane ka Senzangakhona. He was ordered by Dingane to see through the death of Mpande kaSenzangakhona (half brother of Dingane). Ndlela silently refused as he knew that Mpande was the only Zulu king who had children as both Shaka and Dingane did not. Dingane soon realised that Ndlela ka Sompisi was dragging his feet and ordered for his death. He was brutally tortured to death.Ndlela had a son Mavumengwana kaNdlela Ntuli who was a third of the Zulu leadership at Impi yaseSandlwana. Togather with Dabulamanzi kaMpande and Ntshingwayo kaMahole Khoza, saw through the complete annihilation and worst defeat suffered by the British army ever!!!!! Edited by: Thuthuka Hadebe 

    • By: Mdu Ntuli

      tjhanga tjhanga lithuli le nyoka, umphemba owaphemba umlilo ngamabele ababanye baphembe ngeenzibi..Qaba

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