This surname is found in the Eastern Cape in the district of Mount Frere. Nozibele's are from a popular tribe called AmaBhaca. Their clan names are as follows: Siwela, Ndubungela, Oonyamane, Fezani, Njezi' Mabila kaboto, Oonyama' ngeni kungena amathambodwa endlini.....Amazingili OOMATALA'NKOSI, Oonomlakalakana. They have a group of surnames within the Bhaca tribe: Mbewu, Jacisa, Njenge, Siyewuyewu, Ngqwala and Qulu.They are found in the surroundings of Mount Frere i.e. Mvuzi, Mhlotsheni naseNtlabeni.
By: Morris Jacisa
. Siwela, . Ndubungela, . Mpovane, . Songiwe . Oonyamane, . Fezani, . Mnabela . Njezi'mabila kaboto, oonyama'ngeni kungena amathambodwa endlini..... . Amazingili . Oomatala'nkosi, . Oonomlakalakana.
By: Wakahina
This surname is found in the Eastern Cape in the district of Mount Frere. Nozibele's are from a popular tribe called AmaBhaca. Their clan names are as follows: Siwela, Ndubungela, Oonyamane, Fezani, Njezi' Mabila kaboto, Oonyama' ngeni kungena amathambodwa endlini.....Amazingili OOMATALA'NKOSI, Oonomlakalakana. They have a group of surnames within the Bhaca tribe: Mbewu, Jacisa, Njenge, Siyewuyewu, Ngqwala and Qulu.They are found in the surroundings of Mount Frere i.e. Mvuzi, Mhlotsheni naseNtlabeni.