Clan Praise(s)

  • I n'wankokotlo wa rimangele ,i va nkunzumuri wa combe va manyuvele hi mboo! ku se ndzole, va mkitikiti wa tilo, n'we va nhwanyana rimani ka mirhanga lomu ka mikova ndzi hundze hi kona xitsubya vutsenga hi va risanyana varikwavo, n'wa xitlhela na mavutho a che ku oxa ka mbatsani i munyangwa i mubaxa rikokotse wa ziyimayima.  zwondwayo.............. hlungwane  isangweni It was not until after the death of Shaka in 1828 and the establishment of a new Zulu regime under Dingane that a few small communities began to re-establish themselves in central and southern Natal. Predominant among them was a group of Nhlangwini under Fodo kaNombewu. These people had originally lived between the lower Bushmans (Mt shezi) and Mooi (Mpofana) Rivers, but had made off during the upheavals of the early 1820s.

Selected Category: N
