Ngqosini, Gaba, Thithiba inbokodo emnyama nemhlophe ephantsi kweziziba,Msutho, Mjobi, Cihoshe Thole lomthwakazi(Khoi)umfazi belenye kumlambo ka Cihoshe onga welwa zintombi owelwa zinkonjani kuphela zimaphiko made oNozinga oNdoko oNdonga oKhoi Khoi.. (mSuthu is a praise name we are not abesotho... GABA means an open land in Nama Language[Khoi lingua] eligama alikho esixhosi kunye na esisuthwini)
Gaba exists esiZulwini naseSixhoseni as Gabe or Geba as in mageba who the Zulu an Xhosa come from and from Phunga or Phalo or Valoi or Baloi or Moloi that the Zulu and Xhosa descend from. Valoi or Gwambe or Gabe or Geba was a brother to Phunga but Mageba died without an heir so, uPhunga or Phallo or Buka or Bangu or Bhengu or Lobengula or Lovedu or Dube or Ndaba then wangenela uMageba and bore the royal line of all tribes in South Africa.
Cihoshe = Cilose = Coseki = Cosile = Cose = Cosi = Nkosi = Ngqosi = Hosi = Kgosi = seer or God's messenger. The Ngqosini are Mlambo like Bukhosini is Mlambo. OMtshali or Jali or Hlangabeza or Hlabangane. As you can see, AbaPedi or Northern Suthu who are of 100% Zulu stock, ask Pedis they will tell they come from KZN. The other name for Gaba people is Khaba of Khabazela (Mkhize), Mgwaba of AmaBhense or AbaYeni or Myeki or Mathe-Ncanana-Nqotheni people etc. This is the line of all the Kings of South Africa. They are all related by blood going back millenia. They are also called BaTau or Mbathau or Mbathane or Banda or Mpanda or Mpande or Mbatha or Mande or Mathe.
AmaNgqosini came from India, brought back by British to work on the mines ko-Rustenberg and surrounds. See, the African Kingdom in India was defeated by various European countries including Portugal which annexed and defeated us in Angola AND Mozambique, Nigeria (the people living around Lagos = Makhosi = Lakhosi in Zimbabwean Ndebele = Old Zulu, similar to how Xhosa is old Zulu or Nguni - some people in rural KZN can understand Xhosa fully since they still speak that Zulu and they are the same tribes as Xhosas = AmaNguni, Lagos people are called Biafra or Bia-Fula or Biya-Mvula people - these are South Africans - they say we came from West Africa, so maybe we should start investigating our migration patterns).
The Portuguese also defeated us in the Americas. There are over 190m bantus living in South America alone, mostly in Brazil or Brasilia = Bula/Bura/Bra + Zilia/Zilila/Zilika(Zi). Most of these folks are actually Zulu, from Angola and Mozambique and Kenya - where a lot of Zulus still stay. They have stories about our migration down that could not be better told, in my opinion.
My grandfather used to tell me, eMandulo was more like a place than a time. We came from somewhere else and he used to talk about passing Central Africa and why different people were the way they were. He never spoke of Xhosa vs Zulu etc, because he explained that oCele abaningi basemaXhoseni, so are otshabalala, oMkhwanazi etc. But I live in rural KZN and the township I stay in is under Mkhwanazi chief. our towns are carbon copies (names and everything) of towns around Matatiele - Maholoholo, Madlankala = Masakala = Masekela (AmaPhuthi), Maqhama (Dube-Ngcobo people or Lovedu or Joel or AmaNgwe or Fingo or Bafikeng or Fikeni or Bhengu or Bango or Sango or Vango).
SingaBenguni, including amaKhoi - who are actually from oMhlongo or Barolong Sothos oBhebhe or Mphembe or Mphemba or Ntuli or Ndlela who are Zulus who speak all languages in Southern Africa. Known as Shewa in Ethiopia, Shangwe in Zimbabwe, Esan in Nigeria, Msane or Msani or Swani or Swane or Zwane in South Africa. Or Saba or Xaba or Chava or Gaba or Gava or Gova or Goba or Yaba etc. Or Drange or Drakens as the name Drakensberg = Drangenbheke = DlangensBhele = amaBhele akwaDlange and lo and behold, around Drakensberg kugcwele uNdlela kaSompisi who was a trusted impi or butho of King Shaka who now have no clue that they were part of the Zulu Kingdom and that they are genetically Zulu rom the beginning of the word, ZULU. Technically, it is the Ndlelas who are actually Zulu. oMsane or Dzanibe or Dzana or Dzani or Zwane or Zwana.
Gaba exists esiZulwini naseSixhoseni as Gabe or Geba as in mageba who the Zulu an Xhosa come from and from Phunga or Phalo or Valoi or Baloi or Moloi that the Zulu and Xhosa descend from. Valoi or Gwambe or Gabe or Geba was a brother to Phunga but Mageba died without an heir so, uPhunga or Phallo or Buka or Bangu or Bhengu or Lobengula or Lovedu or Dube or Ndaba then wangenela uMageba and bore the royal line of all tribes in South Africa.
Cihoshe = Cilose = Coseki = Cosile = Cose = Cosi = Nkosi = Ngqosi = Hosi = Kgosi = seer or God's messenger. The Ngqosini are Mlambo like Bukhosini is Mlambo. OMtshali or Jali or Hlangabeza or Hlabangane. As you can see, AbaPedi or Northern Suthu who are of 100% Zulu stock, ask Pedis they will tell they come from KZN. The other name for Gaba people is Khaba of Khabazela (Mkhize), Mgwaba of AmaBhense or AbaYeni or Myeki or Mathe-Ncanana-Nqotheni people etc. This is the line of all the Kings of South Africa. They are all related by blood going back millenia. They are also called BaTau or Mbathau or Mbathane or Banda or Mpanda or Mpande or Mbatha or Mande or Mathe.
AmaNgqosini came from India, brought back by British to work on the mines ko-Rustenberg and surrounds. See, the African Kingdom in India was defeated by various European countries including Portugal which annexed and defeated us in Angola AND Mozambique, Nigeria (the people living around Lagos = Makhosi = Lakhosi in Zimbabwean Ndebele = Old Zulu, similar to how Xhosa is old Zulu or Nguni - some people in rural KZN can understand Xhosa fully since they still speak that Zulu and they are the same tribes as Xhosas = AmaNguni, Lagos people are called Biafra or Bia-Fula or Biya-Mvula people - these are South Africans - they say we came from West Africa, so maybe we should start investigating our migration patterns).
The Portuguese also defeated us in the Americas. There are over 190m bantus living in South America alone, mostly in Brazil or Brasilia = Bula/Bura/Bra + Zilia/Zilila/Zilika(Zi). Most of these folks are actually Zulu, from Angola and Mozambique and Kenya - where a lot of Zulus still stay. They have stories about our migration down that could not be better told, in my opinion.
My grandfather used to tell me, eMandulo was more like a place than a time. We came from somewhere else and he used to talk about passing Central Africa and why different people were the way they were. He never spoke of Xhosa vs Zulu etc, because he explained that oCele abaningi basemaXhoseni, so are otshabalala, oMkhwanazi etc. But I live in rural KZN and the township I stay in is under Mkhwanazi chief. our towns are carbon copies (names and everything) of towns around Matatiele - Maholoholo, Madlankala = Masakala = Masekela (AmaPhuthi), Maqhama (Dube-Ngcobo people or Lovedu or Joel or AmaNgwe or Fingo or Bafikeng or Fikeni or Bhengu or Bango or Sango or Vango).
SingaBenguni, including amaKhoi - who are actually from oMhlongo or Barolong Sothos oBhebhe or Mphembe or Mphemba or Ntuli or Ndlela who are Zulus who speak all languages in Southern Africa. Known as Shewa in Ethiopia, Shangwe in Zimbabwe, Esan in Nigeria, Msane or Msani or Swani or Swane or Zwane in South Africa. Or Saba or Xaba or Chava or Gaba or Gava or Gova or Goba or Yaba etc. Or Drange or Drakens as the name Drakensberg = Drangenbheke = DlangensBhele = amaBhele akwaDlange and lo and behold, around Drakensberg kugcwele uNdlela kaSompisi who was a trusted impi or butho of King Shaka who now have no clue that they were part of the Zulu Kingdom and that they are genetically Zulu rom the beginning of the word, ZULU. Technically, it is the Ndlelas who are actually Zulu. oMsane or Dzanibe or Dzana or Dzani or Zwane or Zwana.
Gaba exists esiZulwini naseSixhoseni as Gabe or Geba as in mageba who the Zulu an Xhosa come from and from Phunga or Phalo or Valoi or Baloi or Moloi that the Zulu and Xhosa descend from. Valoi or Gwambe or Gabe or Geba was a brother to Phunga but Mageba died without an heir so, uPhunga or Phallo or Buka or Bangu or Bhengu or Lobengula or Lovedu or Dube or Ndaba then wangenela uMageba and bore the royal line of all tribes in South Africa.
Cihoshe = Cilose = Coseki = Cosile = Cose = Cosi = Nkosi = Ngqosi = Hosi = Kgosi = seer or God's messenger. The Ngqosini are Mlambo like Bukhosini is Mlambo. OMtshali or Jali or Hlangabeza or Hlabangane. As you can see, AbaPedi or Northern Suthu who are of 100% Zulu stock, ask Pedis they will tell they come from KZN. The other name for Gaba people is Khaba of Khabazela (Mkhize), Mgwaba of AmaBhense or AbaYeni or Myeki or Mathe-Ncanana-Nqotheni people etc. This is the line of all the Kings of South Africa. They are all related by blood going back millenia. They are also called BaTau or Mbathau or Mbathane or Banda or Mpanda or Mpande or Mbatha or Mande or Mathe.
AmaNgqosini came from India, brought back by British to work on the mines ko-Rustenberg and surrounds. See, the African Kingdom in India was defeated by various European countries including Portugal which annexed and defeated us in Angola AND Mozambique, Nigeria (the people living around Lagos = Makhosi = Lakhosi in Zimbabwean Ndebele = Old Zulu, similar to how Xhosa is old Zulu or Nguni - some people in rural KZN can understand Xhosa fully since they still speak that Zulu and they are the same tribes as Xhosas = AmaNguni, Lagos people are called Biafra or Bia-Fula or Biya-Mvula people - these are South Africans - they say we came from West Africa, so maybe we should start investigating our migration patterns).
The Portuguese also defeated us in the Americas. There are over 190m bantus living in South America alone, mostly in Brazil or Brasilia = Bula/Bura/Bra + Zilia/Zilila/Zilika(Zi). Most of these folks are actually Zulu, from Angola and Mozambique and Kenya - where a lot of Zulus still stay. They have stories about our migration down that could not be better told, in my opinion.
My grandfather used to tell me, eMandulo was more like a place than a time. We came from somewhere else and he used to talk about passing Central Africa and why different people were the way they were. He never spoke of Xhosa vs Zulu etc, because he explained that oCele abaningi basemaXhoseni, so are otshabalala, oMkhwanazi etc. But I live in rural KZN and the township I stay in is under Mkhwanazi chief. our towns are carbon copies (names and everything) of towns around Matatiele - Maholoholo, Madlankala = Masakala = Masekela (AmaPhuthi), Maqhama (Dube-Ngcobo people or Lovedu or Joel or AmaNgwe or Fingo or Bafikeng or Fikeni or Bhengu or Bango or Sango or Vango).
SingaBenguni, including amaKhoi - who are actually from oMhlongo or Barolong Sothos oBhebhe or Mphembe or Mphemba or Ntuli or Ndlela who are Zulus who speak all languages in Southern Africa. Known as Shewa in Ethiopia, Shangwe in Zimbabwe, Esan in Nigeria, Msane or Msani or Swani or Swane or Zwane in South Africa. Or Saba or Xaba or Chava or Gaba or Gava or Gova or Goba or Yaba etc. Or Drange or Drakens as the name Drakensberg = Drangenbheke = DlangensBhele = amaBhele akwaDlange and lo and behold, around Drakensberg kugcwele uNdlela kaSompisi who was a trusted impi or butho of King Shaka who now have no clue that they were part of the Zulu Kingdom and that they are genetically Zulu rom the beginning of the word, ZULU. Technically, it is the Ndlelas who are actually Zulu. oMsane or Dzanibe or Dzana or Dzani or Zwane or Zwana.
By: Dumi Matiwane
Ngqosini, Gaba, Thithiba inbokodo emnyama nemhlophe ephantsi kweziziba,Msutho, Mjobi, Cihoshe Thole lomthwakazi(Khoi)umfazi belenye kumlambo ka Cihoshe onga welwa zintombi owelwa zinkonjani kuphela zimaphiko made oNozinga oNdoko oNdonga oKhoi Khoi.. (mSuthu is a praise name we are not abesotho... GABA means an open land in Nama Language[Khoi lingua] eligama alikho esixhosi kunye na esisuthwini)
By: Ntuthuko Zwane
Gaba exists esiZulwini naseSixhoseni as Gabe or Geba as in mageba who the Zulu an Xhosa come from and from Phunga or Phalo or Valoi or Baloi or Moloi that the Zulu and Xhosa descend from. Valoi or Gwambe or Gabe or Geba was a brother to Phunga but Mageba died without an heir so, uPhunga or Phallo or Buka or Bangu or Bhengu or Lobengula or Lovedu or Dube or Ndaba then wangenela uMageba and bore the royal line of all tribes in South Africa. Cihoshe = Cilose = Coseki = Cosile = Cose = Cosi = Nkosi = Ngqosi = Hosi = Kgosi = seer or God's messenger. The Ngqosini are Mlambo like Bukhosini is Mlambo. OMtshali or Jali or Hlangabeza or Hlabangane. As you can see, AbaPedi or Northern Suthu who are of 100% Zulu stock, ask Pedis they will tell they come from KZN. The other name for Gaba people is Khaba of Khabazela (Mkhize), Mgwaba of AmaBhense or AbaYeni or Myeki or Mathe-Ncanana-Nqotheni people etc. This is the line of all the Kings of South Africa. They are all related by blood going back millenia. They are also called BaTau or Mbathau or Mbathane or Banda or Mpanda or Mpande or Mbatha or Mande or Mathe. AmaNgqosini came from India, brought back by British to work on the mines ko-Rustenberg and surrounds. See, the African Kingdom in India was defeated by various European countries including Portugal which annexed and defeated us in Angola AND Mozambique, Nigeria (the people living around Lagos = Makhosi = Lakhosi in Zimbabwean Ndebele = Old Zulu, similar to how Xhosa is old Zulu or Nguni - some people in rural KZN can understand Xhosa fully since they still speak that Zulu and they are the same tribes as Xhosas = AmaNguni, Lagos people are called Biafra or Bia-Fula or Biya-Mvula people - these are South Africans - they say we came from West Africa, so maybe we should start investigating our migration patterns). The Portuguese also defeated us in the Americas. There are over 190m bantus living in South America alone, mostly in Brazil or Brasilia = Bula/Bura/Bra + Zilia/Zilila/Zilika(Zi). Most of these folks are actually Zulu, from Angola and Mozambique and Kenya - where a lot of Zulus still stay. They have stories about our migration down that could not be better told, in my opinion. My grandfather used to tell me, eMandulo was more like a place than a time. We came from somewhere else and he used to talk about passing Central Africa and why different people were the way they were. He never spoke of Xhosa vs Zulu etc, because he explained that oCele abaningi basemaXhoseni, so are otshabalala, oMkhwanazi etc. But I live in rural KZN and the township I stay in is under Mkhwanazi chief. our towns are carbon copies (names and everything) of towns around Matatiele - Maholoholo, Madlankala = Masakala = Masekela (AmaPhuthi), Maqhama (Dube-Ngcobo people or Lovedu or Joel or AmaNgwe or Fingo or Bafikeng or Fikeni or Bhengu or Bango or Sango or Vango). SingaBenguni, including amaKhoi - who are actually from oMhlongo or Barolong Sothos oBhebhe or Mphembe or Mphemba or Ntuli or Ndlela who are Zulus who speak all languages in Southern Africa. Known as Shewa in Ethiopia, Shangwe in Zimbabwe, Esan in Nigeria, Msane or Msani or Swani or Swane or Zwane in South Africa. Or Saba or Xaba or Chava or Gaba or Gava or Gova or Goba or Yaba etc. Or Drange or Drakens as the name Drakensberg = Drangenbheke = DlangensBhele = amaBhele akwaDlange and lo and behold, around Drakensberg kugcwele uNdlela kaSompisi who was a trusted impi or butho of King Shaka who now have no clue that they were part of the Zulu Kingdom and that they are genetically Zulu rom the beginning of the word, ZULU. Technically, it is the Ndlelas who are actually Zulu. oMsane or Dzanibe or Dzana or Dzani or Zwane or Zwana. We are ALL RELATED. WE ARE THE NGUNI PEOPLE OF AFRICA.
By: Ntuthuko Zwane
Gaba exists esiZulwini naseSixhoseni as Gabe or Geba as in mageba who the Zulu an Xhosa come from and from Phunga or Phalo or Valoi or Baloi or Moloi that the Zulu and Xhosa descend from. Valoi or Gwambe or Gabe or Geba was a brother to Phunga but Mageba died without an heir so, uPhunga or Phallo or Buka or Bangu or Bhengu or Lobengula or Lovedu or Dube or Ndaba then wangenela uMageba and bore the royal line of all tribes in South Africa. Cihoshe = Cilose = Coseki = Cosile = Cose = Cosi = Nkosi = Ngqosi = Hosi = Kgosi = seer or God's messenger. The Ngqosini are Mlambo like Bukhosini is Mlambo. OMtshali or Jali or Hlangabeza or Hlabangane. As you can see, AbaPedi or Northern Suthu who are of 100% Zulu stock, ask Pedis they will tell they come from KZN. The other name for Gaba people is Khaba of Khabazela (Mkhize), Mgwaba of AmaBhense or AbaYeni or Myeki or Mathe-Ncanana-Nqotheni people etc. This is the line of all the Kings of South Africa. They are all related by blood going back millenia. They are also called BaTau or Mbathau or Mbathane or Banda or Mpanda or Mpande or Mbatha or Mande or Mathe. AmaNgqosini came from India, brought back by British to work on the mines ko-Rustenberg and surrounds. See, the African Kingdom in India was defeated by various European countries including Portugal which annexed and defeated us in Angola AND Mozambique, Nigeria (the people living around Lagos = Makhosi = Lakhosi in Zimbabwean Ndebele = Old Zulu, similar to how Xhosa is old Zulu or Nguni - some people in rural KZN can understand Xhosa fully since they still speak that Zulu and they are the same tribes as Xhosas = AmaNguni, Lagos people are called Biafra or Bia-Fula or Biya-Mvula people - these are South Africans - they say we came from West Africa, so maybe we should start investigating our migration patterns). The Portuguese also defeated us in the Americas. There are over 190m bantus living in South America alone, mostly in Brazil or Brasilia = Bula/Bura/Bra + Zilia/Zilila/Zilika(Zi). Most of these folks are actually Zulu, from Angola and Mozambique and Kenya - where a lot of Zulus still stay. They have stories about our migration down that could not be better told, in my opinion. My grandfather used to tell me, eMandulo was more like a place than a time. We came from somewhere else and he used to talk about passing Central Africa and why different people were the way they were. He never spoke of Xhosa vs Zulu etc, because he explained that oCele abaningi basemaXhoseni, so are otshabalala, oMkhwanazi etc. But I live in rural KZN and the township I stay in is under Mkhwanazi chief. our towns are carbon copies (names and everything) of towns around Matatiele - Maholoholo, Madlankala = Masakala = Masekela (AmaPhuthi), Maqhama (Dube-Ngcobo people or Lovedu or Joel or AmaNgwe or Fingo or Bafikeng or Fikeni or Bhengu or Bango or Sango or Vango). SingaBenguni, including amaKhoi - who are actually from oMhlongo or Barolong Sothos oBhebhe or Mphembe or Mphemba or Ntuli or Ndlela who are Zulus who speak all languages in Southern Africa. Known as Shewa in Ethiopia, Shangwe in Zimbabwe, Esan in Nigeria, Msane or Msani or Swani or Swane or Zwane in South Africa. Or Saba or Xaba or Chava or Gaba or Gava or Gova or Goba or Yaba etc. Or Drange or Drakens as the name Drakensberg = Drangenbheke = DlangensBhele = amaBhele akwaDlange and lo and behold, around Drakensberg kugcwele uNdlela kaSompisi who was a trusted impi or butho of King Shaka who now have no clue that they were part of the Zulu Kingdom and that they are genetically Zulu rom the beginning of the word, ZULU. Technically, it is the Ndlelas who are actually Zulu. oMsane or Dzanibe or Dzana or Dzani or Zwane or Zwana. We are ALL RELATED. WE ARE THE NGUNI PEOPLE OF AFRICA.
By: Ntuthuko Zwane
Gaba exists esiZulwini naseSixhoseni as Gabe or Geba as in mageba who the Zulu an Xhosa come from and from Phunga or Phalo or Valoi or Baloi or Moloi that the Zulu and Xhosa descend from. Valoi or Gwambe or Gabe or Geba was a brother to Phunga but Mageba died without an heir so, uPhunga or Phallo or Buka or Bangu or Bhengu or Lobengula or Lovedu or Dube or Ndaba then wangenela uMageba and bore the royal line of all tribes in South Africa. Cihoshe = Cilose = Coseki = Cosile = Cose = Cosi = Nkosi = Ngqosi = Hosi = Kgosi = seer or God's messenger. The Ngqosini are Mlambo like Bukhosini is Mlambo. OMtshali or Jali or Hlangabeza or Hlabangane. As you can see, AbaPedi or Northern Suthu who are of 100% Zulu stock, ask Pedis they will tell they come from KZN. The other name for Gaba people is Khaba of Khabazela (Mkhize), Mgwaba of AmaBhense or AbaYeni or Myeki or Mathe-Ncanana-Nqotheni people etc. This is the line of all the Kings of South Africa. They are all related by blood going back millenia. They are also called BaTau or Mbathau or Mbathane or Banda or Mpanda or Mpande or Mbatha or Mande or Mathe. AmaNgqosini came from India, brought back by British to work on the mines ko-Rustenberg and surrounds. See, the African Kingdom in India was defeated by various European countries including Portugal which annexed and defeated us in Angola AND Mozambique, Nigeria (the people living around Lagos = Makhosi = Lakhosi in Zimbabwean Ndebele = Old Zulu, similar to how Xhosa is old Zulu or Nguni - some people in rural KZN can understand Xhosa fully since they still speak that Zulu and they are the same tribes as Xhosas = AmaNguni, Lagos people are called Biafra or Bia-Fula or Biya-Mvula people - these are South Africans - they say we came from West Africa, so maybe we should start investigating our migration patterns). The Portuguese also defeated us in the Americas. There are over 190m bantus living in South America alone, mostly in Brazil or Brasilia = Bula/Bura/Bra + Zilia/Zilila/Zilika(Zi). Most of these folks are actually Zulu, from Angola and Mozambique and Kenya - where a lot of Zulus still stay. They have stories about our migration down that could not be better told, in my opinion. My grandfather used to tell me, eMandulo was more like a place than a time. We came from somewhere else and he used to talk about passing Central Africa and why different people were the way they were. He never spoke of Xhosa vs Zulu etc, because he explained that oCele abaningi basemaXhoseni, so are otshabalala, oMkhwanazi etc. But I live in rural KZN and the township I stay in is under Mkhwanazi chief. our towns are carbon copies (names and everything) of towns around Matatiele - Maholoholo, Madlankala = Masakala = Masekela (AmaPhuthi), Maqhama (Dube-Ngcobo people or Lovedu or Joel or AmaNgwe or Fingo or Bafikeng or Fikeni or Bhengu or Bango or Sango or Vango). SingaBenguni, including amaKhoi - who are actually from oMhlongo or Barolong Sothos oBhebhe or Mphembe or Mphemba or Ntuli or Ndlela who are Zulus who speak all languages in Southern Africa. Known as Shewa in Ethiopia, Shangwe in Zimbabwe, Esan in Nigeria, Msane or Msani or Swani or Swane or Zwane in South Africa. Or Saba or Xaba or Chava or Gaba or Gava or Gova or Goba or Yaba etc. Or Drange or Drakens as the name Drakensberg = Drangenbheke = DlangensBhele = amaBhele akwaDlange and lo and behold, around Drakensberg kugcwele uNdlela kaSompisi who was a trusted impi or butho of King Shaka who now have no clue that they were part of the Zulu Kingdom and that they are genetically Zulu rom the beginning of the word, ZULU. Technically, it is the Ndlelas who are actually Zulu. oMsane or Dzanibe or Dzana or Dzani or Zwane or Zwana. We are ALL RELATED. WE ARE THE NGUNI PEOPLE OF AFRICA.
By: Simthembile Nombebe
Ndiyabulela cihoshe, bendingazazi zonke iziduko zam