Guys mina I'm lost, I was born and bred in KZN my mom is from Eastern Cape but both parents deceased. Father deceased when I was 5 and mother deceased when I was 15. I am ashamed of my surname because now I have a son angizazi izithakazelo zami some one help me. Ubaba angimazi usuka kuphi aze afike KZN I can really appreciate it. My mom also knew nothing about izithakazelo zami when i asked her while she was still alive , she was Xhosa Ntethe, Dlamini JAMA kasjadu. But mina angizazi please help I need to educate my son while he's still young cause he asked me last year and I couldn't answer him , he's 8 years now. Ngibonge nisazophendula??
Muponisi, wa Thamson, wa Nhlanzini, wa Mafanele, wa Patimani, wa Masingiri, a ka Gija kaya ka Masingiri, a Mikuhlini, a mi Jengweni, a Xihayeni, a mi Dzuvini, hifike hi nyimpi, hifike hi teka vuhosi, wa Maxoni, wa Ndzavani, wa Xileketi, wa Ngobeni, Xiphikanamabye, Xikilikidani, va ka Ndzavakulwa, wa Masiya-yi-govile, yi govela vurhena, a ri waka Ndwandwe (ndleleni), hamba nge’ndwandwe yakho ngizo hamba nge’ndwandwe yame, Ntsunga na ntsunga, Ndzundzula na ndzundzula, Xikwakwa I xikwakwa, Vaya ka hosi Masiya-yi-govile, a ku lwanani ngaphecheya, loko mota haleni ndzi mihetile, Mlambya, Mlambya ku nyela, Ndzinyela endleleni nitshembe nkanu, Hi hinalavo tswala tintombi leto saseka hitlhela hi tihlomisa.
Nkuriso Na Ntikelo wa Godfrey wa Rooibargie, wa Gatsisi, wa Tinyongeni wa Nyansele, wa Xipfaku wa siya yingovele Vurhena, I mlambya kunyela manyela ndleleni a ntshembe nkanu
Nkuriso Na Ntikelo wa Godfrey wa Rooibargie, wa Gatsisi, wa Tinyongeni wa Nyansele, wa Xipfaku wa siya yingovele Vurhena, I mlambya kunyela manyela ndleleni a ntshembe nkanu
famanda wa mdungwazi wa ntlawini wa mngongo wa tshambisa wa xibhananga wa phadza hivale phadzeni ra ntoma hi vaka xikwakwa nwamasiya agovile agovela vurhena
Hi mina Mdun'wazi
Wa Hlengani
Wa Jopo
Wa Mbhyeyani
Wa Mathangathi
Wa Madlimu
Wa Rikharimani
Wa Nghonani
Wa Masiya yi govile
Yi govela vurhena
A ni nyeli a hlathini ni chava ku tlhaviwa
Ni nyela a ndleleni ni tshembha nkanu.
Nyimba ni wa ka Xibotani.
Dzunduluuuu!!!!! Valambya Kunyela!!
Hi mina Mdun'wazi
Wa Hlengani
Wa Jopo
Wa Mbhyeyani
Wa Mathangathi
Wa Madlimu
Wa Rikharimani
Wa Nghonani
Wa Masiya yi govile
Yi govela vurhena
A ni nyeli a hlathini ni chava ku tlhaviwa
Ni nyela a ndleleni ni tshembha nkanu.
Nyimba ni wa ka Xibotani.
Basic origin (la xibongo xisukaku kona) of Ngobeni yile ndhawini yale kaNgotshe/Ngobe (Ngobeni)/Ngoje/Goji near Nongoma, Louwsville KZN. Nanamuthla yikona ndhawu ley le KwaZulu. NB: so Sylvester Ngobeni uright when u say, "Ngobe Zitha, Mthabiya..isbong esihle sase khaya kaNgobe". This place had a inkosi uNgobe 4rm the Sibiya house who was a king then.
Nzi Dzunisani Robson Ngobeni mulambya, masiya govile a govela vurhena, ma wonhela ndleleni a tshemba kanu, ngovezitha, wa solomon na Ravina wa suka na Hluphasi wa Khwirandlala wa mambungwani wa mahundzahundza, wa xongani wa nghawu wa xitari
tinyimba ta kona:
1. Xitari(hosi)
2. Ngomana
3. Ntlaru
4. Xongani
5. Matsuvana
6. Xibotana
7. Xinyangana
8. Xikwakwa
9. Mintsembyana
10. Xidzidzana
11. Xifuvayila
12. Mbanga
13. Masingiri
Van'wana: Mahandule, wa Nkombyana, wa Malengana, wa Mamiti, wa Yingwana, wa Xitari, wa Makhayingi, wa Marwexe, wa Masiya-yi-goveli, a govela vurhena.
Va ka Ntlaru a va lwa na Xikwakwa, va ta ka hosi Masiya-yi-govile, a ku: ''Ndzi govile halenu ka nambu, fambani mi ya lwa ngaphecheya,loko mi ta halenu, ndzi ta mi heta.''
van'wana: Amos wa Mbhekwana, wa Manganana, wa Mboxana, wa Ndzepfana, wa Mhandze, wa Masangoveni, wa Ringhala, wa xiwayi, wa Xinguletele, wa Ngoveni.
Matlasulele, wa Ribangu, wa Khondle, wa Tsangalala, wa Tuke, wa Manyisi wa Xihondzweni.
Nyala wa Madlawa, wa Masavana, wa Masingiri, wa Maxoni, wa Ndzavala, wa Ngoveni, Xiphikanamabye, Ndzundzule, va ka Ndzavakulwa, wa Masalagovile, a govela vurhena, a ri wa ka Ndandwe.
Mukhachani, wa Ximanga, wa N'wa-Mandzovo, wa Maphahla, wa Misabi, wa Xivasa, wa Xikuluvi, wa Mavuza, wa Mahasa, wa Xikomu-xo-hela, wa Matala-ku-fa,wa masa Ngoveni.
Xiphato: Xi hambane hi tinyimba hi laha ku nga tsariwa henhla, kambe lavo tala va ku: Ngove Zitha! Mitshaviya! Milambya! Muchaveni.
Vanhlanganu xikarhi ka vona va ku: ''Mafuwana, Ngoveni, va ka makandze va xi dya va pfuvele, va ka nghomunghomu va ka tshuvala nkomoni(kumbe nkomola) mundzuku va ta tola, va ka Muroka.''
I Masiya-yi-Govile yi govela vurhena! I mulambya-ku-nyela, hi nyela ndleleni hi tshemba nkani. there seems to be a lack of originality in this surname. if we trace the history of shangana people, they descend 4rm the nguni people and in nguni there is no ngobeni. the other subsurnam for this is called ngobeza of which u dont evn find in nguni, bt it sounds closely to ngobese in nguni. the problem arose when our forefathers had to change or adjust their surnames coz they were no longer speaking zulu but shangaan. So they had 2 change these beautiful things n im mad bcoz these r not realy our original heritage. dankie. anyway with suggestion..!!? Added by: Rhulani Maverick NgobeniNgove Zitha! Mithaviya! Milambya! Muchaveni! ACTUALLY DIS IS NGOBESE..!!! DO YO HISTORY N RESEARCHThats Right: Ngobeni/Ngobese check history look at King Shaka Battle fields in KZN South Coast near Dumbe,louwsville you still find a town by that surname Ngobeni in honer of Ngobese/Ngobeni during battle fields. added by Themba Ngobenithe NGOBENI PEOPLE WERE KNOWN TO HAVE COME FROM THE CAVES hence the GOBA/MGODI (a cave) so when they say "Ngobeni"this translates to those from or of the caves. masiya yigobile thats because they left the caves and mingled with society, they were originally cave people.look at NGOBE ZITHA: as people of the caves they didnot trust outside people so when people approached them they would exclaim: "goban nansizitha (Ngobe Zitha)" which translates take refuge/hide here are the ENEMIES (IZITHA).I WOULDNT be surprised if NGOBESE and NGOBENI is the same thing as someone allready mentioned above as they are some similarities. actually NGOBENI is also said to be NGOBEZE/ZA. note that with Shangaan words sometimes a 's' is pronounce as a 'z': few GASA-GAZA, KHOZA-KHOSA, MABUZA-MABUSA, PHIKISA-PHIKIZA etc and others i might have yeah anything is possible, and yes the Mlambya thing is actually from Mlambo, its a 'river'. so when we really trace this with real respect to past history we will have to acknowledge the MLAMBO's/MYAMBO/MYAMBU's as our relatives.there you have it run go ask your parents (if they still remember or even care) and spread it out now!!NAZO!!By a Nguni-Shangaan man
I Ngobeza. Manyela endhleleni a themba nkani. Mlambya kunyela. NGOBE. ZITHA!! Some fool expressed that there's no connection betwn this 1 n Ngobeza. N I told her she wrong talking abt stuff she don't know. There's shld be a Ngobeni who know this who shld come out about this I can't be the only 1. Inkomu!!
Let's get 1 thing clear: we'll get nowhere by arguing abt who right or wrong abt whether the surname is Tsonga or Shangani. The surname is basically Nguni since its root word is Ngobe. Ngobe is praised across different clans; Swazi, Zulul, Xhosa or even Ndebele. So should it also be an issue 4 these pple since it is clear it comes 4rm a Nguni origin? Should we also say these ppl are Tsonga? Claiming this is an error 4rm home affairs @ Divili is naïve n ignorant since there r different Ngobenis 4rm various communities all over SA n outside SA. Basically theis surname is Nguni as u can see in praise names wher we can see that most names r Nguni n some just converted in2 Xitsonga due 2 language change n acculturation. There's Ndwandwe who's actually Nxumalo, Zwide, Ngungunyani (Nguni origin). Most if not all "we- are-only-Tsonga" proponents wouldn't even explain the homogeneity/ similarity of our surnames w Nguni tribes. I guess they think its just coincidence. They tend 2 dwell on Junod 2 much n stop using they heads logically n common sensically. I'm not here 4 anymore debates abt the on-going tsonga/shangani debate. But if the need arise 4 me 2 debate. I WiLL take it on.
Let's get 1 thng clear: if we keep arguing abt imani anga right or wrong ka Tsonga or Shangani origin, or even where this surname falls in, then we re getting back 2 this fatigueing debate instead of uniting and being proud abt who we are. The Ngobeni surname is basically Nguni but in Tsonga some use a "v". Mine was like that n I chose 2 correct it as Ngobeni. I strongly believe one shld be in touch w the basic or primary origin. I understand Tsonga 2 be secondary in defining a culture as it don't seem 2 cover much of our Nguni origin. If u check closely ull notice most words are Nguni by basic origin and r only converted into Xitsonga. If u think n choose 2 b ngoveni thatd yo choice. The root word 4 this surname is Ngobe, so the question now is; should those who r Swazi, Ndebele, Zulu or Xhosa claim 2 be what? While somewhere in the praise names there are Ndwandwe origins. Ndwandwe is Nxumalo, which is Nguni. So stop this debating and use yo common sense
Va ka ngoveni ni mi tsalele xona xivongo xa n'wina hiku hetiseka xi hlayiseni tani hi laha ni nga tsala ha kona.mi nga ha ti karhati hi ku lava ngopfu xivongo xa n'wina
By: Sipho Fana Ngobeni
Guys mina I'm lost, I was born and bred in KZN my mom is from Eastern Cape but both parents deceased. Father deceased when I was 5 and mother deceased when I was 15. I am ashamed of my surname because now I have a son angizazi izithakazelo zami some one help me. Ubaba angimazi usuka kuphi aze afike KZN I can really appreciate it. My mom also knew nothing about izithakazelo zami when i asked her while she was still alive , she was Xhosa Ntethe, Dlamini JAMA kasjadu. But mina angizazi please help I need to educate my son while he's still young cause he asked me last year and I couldn't answer him , he's 8 years now. Ngibonge nisazophendula??
By: Muponisi Ngobeni
XIPATHO XA MUPONISI NGOBENI Muponisi, wa Thamson, wa Nhlanzini, wa Mafanele, wa Patimani, wa Masingiri, a ka Gija kaya ka Masingiri, a Mikuhlini, a mi Jengweni, a Xihayeni, a mi Dzuvini, hifike hi nyimpi, hifike hi teka vuhosi, wa Maxoni, wa Ndzavani, wa Xileketi, wa Ngobeni, Xiphikanamabye, Xikilikidani, va ka Ndzavakulwa, wa Masiya-yi-govile, yi govela vurhena, a ri waka Ndwandwe (ndleleni), hamba nge’ndwandwe yakho ngizo hamba nge’ndwandwe yame, Ntsunga na ntsunga, Ndzundzula na ndzundzula, Xikwakwa I xikwakwa, Vaya ka hosi Masiya-yi-govile, a ku lwanani ngaphecheya, loko mota haleni ndzi mihetile, Mlambya, Mlambya ku nyela, Ndzinyela endleleni nitshembe nkanu, Hi hinalavo tswala tintombi leto saseka hitlhela hi tihlomisa.
By: Robert Ngobeni
Robert Mkhacani Makasela Xidumu Mkoki Malale Nkaxe Ripangu Xisangwana
By: nkateko ngobeni
mlambya kunyela ni nyela e ndleleni ni tshembi nkanu ,masia govela vurena
By: Godfrey Lungile Ngobeni
Nkuriso Na Ntikelo wa Godfrey wa Rooibargie, wa Gatsisi, wa Tinyongeni wa Nyansele, wa Xipfaku wa siya yingovele Vurhena, I mlambya kunyela manyela ndleleni a ntshembe nkanu
By: Godfrey Lungile Ngobeni
Nkuriso Na Ntikelo wa Godfrey wa Rooibargie, wa Gatsisi, wa Tinyongeni wa Nyansele, wa Xipfaku wa siya yingovele Vurhena, I mlambya kunyela manyela ndleleni a ntshembe nkanu
By: Silungile Ngobeni
I Silungile, wa Mbhazima, wa Khambani, wa Mavingani...i Masiya yi govile yi govela vurhena, i manyela ndleleni a tshembha vurhena
By: famanda albert ngobeni
famanda wa mdungwazi wa ntlawini wa mngongo wa tshambisa wa xibhananga wa phadza hivale phadzeni ra ntoma hi vaka xikwakwa nwamasiya agovile agovela vurhena
By: Clark Mdun'wazi Ngobeni
Hi mina Mdun'wazi Wa Hlengani Wa Jopo Wa Mbhyeyani Wa Mathangathi Wa Madlimu Wa Rikharimani Wa Nghonani Wa Masiya yi govile Yi govela vurhena A ni nyeli a hlathini ni chava ku tlhaviwa Ni nyela a ndleleni ni tshembha nkanu. Nyimba ni wa ka Xibotani. Dzunduluuuu!!!!! Valambya Kunyela!!
By: Clark Mdun'wazi Ngobeni
Hi mina Mdun'wazi Wa Hlengani Wa Jopo Wa Mbhyeyani Wa Mathangathi Wa Madlimu Wa Rikharimani Wa Nghonani Wa Masiya yi govile Yi govela vurhena A ni nyeli a hlathini ni chava ku tlhaviwa Ni nyela a ndleleni ni tshembha nkanu. Nyimba ni wa ka Xibotani. Dzunduluuuu!!!!!
By: Nduna ya MABUTHO Ngobeza-NGOBENI
Basic origin (la xibongo xisukaku kona) of Ngobeni yile ndhawini yale kaNgotshe/Ngobe (Ngobeni)/Ngoje/Goji near Nongoma, Louwsville KZN. Nanamuthla yikona ndhawu ley le KwaZulu. NB: so Sylvester Ngobeni uright when u say, "Ngobe Zitha, Mthabiya..isbong esihle sase khaya kaNgobe". This place had a inkosi uNgobe 4rm the Sibiya house who was a king then.
By: Dzunisani Ngobeni
Nzi Dzunisani Robson Ngobeni mulambya, masiya govile a govela vurhena, ma wonhela ndleleni a tshemba kanu, ngovezitha, wa solomon na Ravina wa suka na Hluphasi wa Khwirandlala wa mambungwani wa mahundzahundza, wa xongani wa nghawu wa xitari
By: hisani ngoveni xinyangani ngoveni
By: piet sibuyi
tinyimba ta kona: 1. Xitari(hosi) 2. Ngomana 3. Ntlaru 4. Xongani 5. Matsuvana 6. Xibotana 7. Xinyangana 8. Xikwakwa 9. Mintsembyana 10. Xidzidzana 11. Xifuvayila 12. Mbanga 13. Masingiri Van'wana: Mahandule, wa Nkombyana, wa Malengana, wa Mamiti, wa Yingwana, wa Xitari, wa Makhayingi, wa Marwexe, wa Masiya-yi-goveli, a govela vurhena. Va ka Ntlaru a va lwa na Xikwakwa, va ta ka hosi Masiya-yi-govile, a ku: ''Ndzi govile halenu ka nambu, fambani mi ya lwa ngaphecheya,loko mi ta halenu, ndzi ta mi heta.'' van'wana: Amos wa Mbhekwana, wa Manganana, wa Mboxana, wa Ndzepfana, wa Mhandze, wa Masangoveni, wa Ringhala, wa xiwayi, wa Xinguletele, wa Ngoveni. Matlasulele, wa Ribangu, wa Khondle, wa Tsangalala, wa Tuke, wa Manyisi wa Xihondzweni. Nyala wa Madlawa, wa Masavana, wa Masingiri, wa Maxoni, wa Ndzavala, wa Ngoveni, Xiphikanamabye, Ndzundzule, va ka Ndzavakulwa, wa Masalagovile, a govela vurhena, a ri wa ka Ndandwe. Mukhachani, wa Ximanga, wa N'wa-Mandzovo, wa Maphahla, wa Misabi, wa Xivasa, wa Xikuluvi, wa Mavuza, wa Mahasa, wa Xikomu-xo-hela, wa Matala-ku-fa,wa masa Ngoveni. Xiphato: Xi hambane hi tinyimba hi laha ku nga tsariwa henhla, kambe lavo tala va ku: Ngove Zitha! Mitshaviya! Milambya! Muchaveni. Vanhlanganu xikarhi ka vona va ku: ''Mafuwana, Ngoveni, va ka makandze va xi dya va pfuvele, va ka nghomunghomu va ka tshuvala nkomoni(kumbe nkomola) mundzuku va ta tola, va ka Muroka.''
By: Clark Mdun'wazi Ngobeni
Hi tona hi mpela tinyimba ta Valambya
By: Wakahina
I Masiya-yi-Govile yi govela vurhena! I mulambya-ku-nyela, hi nyela ndleleni hi tshemba nkani. there seems to be a lack of originality in this surname. if we trace the history of shangana people, they descend 4rm the nguni people and in nguni there is no ngobeni. the other subsurnam for this is called ngobeza of which u dont evn find in nguni, bt it sounds closely to ngobese in nguni. the problem arose when our forefathers had to change or adjust their surnames coz they were no longer speaking zulu but shangaan. So they had 2 change these beautiful things n im mad bcoz these r not realy our original heritage. dankie. anyway with suggestion..!!? Added by: Rhulani Maverick NgobeniNgove Zitha! Mithaviya! Milambya! Muchaveni! ACTUALLY DIS IS NGOBESE..!!! DO YO HISTORY N RESEARCHThats Right: Ngobeni/Ngobese check history look at King Shaka Battle fields in KZN South Coast near Dumbe,louwsville you still find a town by that surname Ngobeni in honer of Ngobese/Ngobeni during battle fields. added by Themba Ngobenithe NGOBENI PEOPLE WERE KNOWN TO HAVE COME FROM THE CAVES hence the GOBA/MGODI (a cave) so when they say "Ngobeni"this translates to those from or of the caves. masiya yigobile thats because they left the caves and mingled with society, they were originally cave people.look at NGOBE ZITHA: as people of the caves they didnot trust outside people so when people approached them they would exclaim: "goban nansizitha (Ngobe Zitha)" which translates take refuge/hide here are the ENEMIES (IZITHA).I WOULDNT be surprised if NGOBESE and NGOBENI is the same thing as someone allready mentioned above as they are some similarities. actually NGOBENI is also said to be NGOBEZE/ZA. note that with Shangaan words sometimes a 's' is pronounce as a 'z': few GASA-GAZA, KHOZA-KHOSA, MABUZA-MABUSA, PHIKISA-PHIKIZA etc and others i might have yeah anything is possible, and yes the Mlambya thing is actually from Mlambo, its a 'river'. so when we really trace this with real respect to past history we will have to acknowledge the MLAMBO's/MYAMBO/MYAMBU's as our relatives.there you have it run go ask your parents (if they still remember or even care) and spread it out now!!NAZO!!By a Nguni-Shangaan man
By: Nduna ya MABUTHO Ngobeza-NGOBENI
I Ngobeza. Manyela endhleleni a themba nkani. Mlambya kunyela. NGOBE. ZITHA!! Some fool expressed that there's no connection betwn this 1 n Ngobeza. N I told her she wrong talking abt stuff she don't know. There's shld be a Ngobeni who know this who shld come out about this I can't be the only 1. Inkomu!!
By: Nduna ya MABUTHO Ngobeza-NGOBENI
Let's get 1 thing clear: we'll get nowhere by arguing abt who right or wrong abt whether the surname is Tsonga or Shangani. The surname is basically Nguni since its root word is Ngobe. Ngobe is praised across different clans; Swazi, Zulul, Xhosa or even Ndebele. So should it also be an issue 4 these pple since it is clear it comes 4rm a Nguni origin? Should we also say these ppl are Tsonga? Claiming this is an error 4rm home affairs @ Divili is naïve n ignorant since there r different Ngobenis 4rm various communities all over SA n outside SA. Basically theis surname is Nguni as u can see in praise names wher we can see that most names r Nguni n some just converted in2 Xitsonga due 2 language change n acculturation. There's Ndwandwe who's actually Nxumalo, Zwide, Ngungunyani (Nguni origin). Most if not all "we- are-only-Tsonga" proponents wouldn't even explain the homogeneity/ similarity of our surnames w Nguni tribes. I guess they think its just coincidence. They tend 2 dwell on Junod 2 much n stop using they heads logically n common sensically. I'm not here 4 anymore debates abt the on-going tsonga/shangani debate. But if the need arise 4 me 2 debate. I WiLL take it on.
By: Nduna ya MABUTHO Ngobeza-NGOBENI
Let's get 1 thng clear: if we keep arguing abt imani anga right or wrong ka Tsonga or Shangani origin, or even where this surname falls in, then we re getting back 2 this fatigueing debate instead of uniting and being proud abt who we are. The Ngobeni surname is basically Nguni but in Tsonga some use a "v". Mine was like that n I chose 2 correct it as Ngobeni. I strongly believe one shld be in touch w the basic or primary origin. I understand Tsonga 2 be secondary in defining a culture as it don't seem 2 cover much of our Nguni origin. If u check closely ull notice most words are Nguni by basic origin and r only converted into Xitsonga. If u think n choose 2 b ngoveni thatd yo choice. The root word 4 this surname is Ngobe, so the question now is; should those who r Swazi, Ndebele, Zulu or Xhosa claim 2 be what? While somewhere in the praise names there are Ndwandwe origins. Ndwandwe is Nxumalo, which is Nguni. So stop this debating and use yo common sense
By: hisani ngoveni xinyangani ngoveni
xivongo xa hina a hi ngobeni hiku ka xitsonga a swi kona i ngoveni xivengelo xa ku ncica v yi va b i mhaka ya lava a tikisa mapasi e divila
By: piet sibuyi
Va ka ngoveni ni mi tsalele xona xivongo xa n'wina hiku hetiseka xi hlayiseni tani hi laha ni nga tsala ha kona.mi nga ha ti karhati hi ku lava ngopfu xivongo xa n'wina
By: sylvester ngobeni
ngobeni mthabiya s'bong' esihle sasekhaya kwaNgobe, thts hw our grdmthr use 2 praise us.
By: sylvester ngobeni
ngobeni mthabiya s'bong' esihle sasekhaya kwaNgobe, thts hw our grdmthr use 2 praise us.
By: Mlambo Shangana NGOBENI
I came across some guy claiming he is a Ngobeni but his isithakazelo includes MAGUBANE! I never heard of this can someone clarify even with research??
By: Mlambo Shangana NGOBENI
I came across some guy claiming he is a Ngobeni but his isithakazelo includes MAGUBANE! I never heard of this can someone clarify even with research??
By: Eudon Ngobeni
I mbhurhi ya valambya,leyi tirhisaka nkani ku endla leswinene na ku papalata leswo biha
By: Eudon Ngobeni
I mbhurhi ya vurhena,leyi tirhisaka nkani ku endla leswo lulama na ku papalata leswo biha,...