Khoza/ Khosa
Xikhotana, wena njhan'wa ka ilali ku lali mbutuma wa ka mawhawhaila, wa mpfinyingi wa ku leva waka sguqa nga madolo wa ka ntila u landzi wu landza hiva hlonga na va ngoni wa ka ntuvuyi wa ka xitamaba hunguva xilumbeta tilo waka Gere ya Magigwana
Njhan'waaaa.... Mkhoti
Mina ndzi wa ka Khoza, va ka mavone. N'wana wa mangani yo bava, yi bava ni muponi Khoseni. Va ka tsandza a va tluli ku tlula timunti ti nga na masan'wani.Vo kala va nga tekeriwi hansi. Khoso!Mavone. Khoso!Mavone.
Ehe!! uMagudu lowo kade bamtsho AbeNguni bathi,UMagudu kubema kodwa akabemeki, ngoba engu Mabona, owa bona impi iqamuka nga phesheya ko mpula eNkomazi, Nguye owa vhimba inxaba yase Bhileni,wa phelisa umsaphane,Bayakutsho Khoza bathi,umude kodwa kawumdanga, unga nge nhlanga za mabele,Uya khalipha, ngoba u sika nhlanguthi zombili,nje ngo mkhonto.Uze bathi Ripanga ra kuxeka homu ri xeka maKhoza.Magudu, Phukwana, tinhlanga ta mavele enkanyini. KHOZAUpdated by Simukele HI, SHOULD YOU HOLD A DIFFERENT VIEW, PLEASE WRITE YOUR OWN UNDERNEATH. DO NOT AMEND THE ABOVE. THANK YOU. Mlilo!!!! Ntshingwayo ka Mahloe, Mlotshwa, mkhathini, Ndlandla. Ntshingwayo kaMahole Khoza was a Zulu general during King Cetshwayo reign and hier to his father, Mahole, of the Khoza clan. He togather with Dabulamanzi kaMpande (brother of Cetshwayo) and Mavumengwana kaNdlela Ntuli were the generals at Ipmi yaseSandlwana and were responsible of the complete annihilation of the British contingent!!! Ntshingwayo commanded the ibutho that out menovered Lt Lord Chelmsforsd's centre column to what would be the greatest loss of the British army ever!!!!
1. In KZN, there are two related Khoza branches, the Mkhathini-mlilo and the Mahlase-Sibisi, both are descendants of King Gumede through the House of Shobeni.
2. You are correct, Ntshingwayo was the commander in chief of the Zulu Army at the Battle of Sandlwana.
1. In KZN, there are two related Khoza branches, the Mkhathini-mlilo and the Mahlase-Sibisi, both are descendants of King Gumede through the House of Shobeni.
2. You are correct, Ntshingwayo was the commander in chief of the Zulu Army at the Battle of Sandlwana.
@commentors. You must understand one says their isithakazelo according to where they were based when historical events take place. The 1st one relates to the Nguni-Shangana Khoza (the Soshangane migrations from Natal to Mozambique) who led the impi regiments. Similarly, the other Khoza (Mkhathini) relates to the remaining Khoza in Natal who was King Cetshwayo's induna. Simple! The same would apply to the one in Zim, Zambia, Malawi etc. Its all about displacements from one place to another. Fools still think these are different, they aren't they are just dispersed in different areas but are from one parent: Khoza/Khosa.
KHOZA Skotane,Mzikaw'landwa,Ulandwa benguni,Kanye Ne Manyambose,Wena wemfinyika, Gcawozi lami,Mazalwe min,ungazalwa ebusuku awsuye waka KHOZA..
By: Petrus khoza
Khoza mavone, Xihenyise Bulindlela, Mkhathini ka Mahole, Mpande, hlahla Mapondo kamadlakazi, Mavone, Xihenyise Bulandlela owa bone iphi iseza ekudeni,mabone Xihenyise,Tshingwayo.
By: Miyelani Khosa
Mina ni Khosa Khoseni Mavona magelevende ma kula nholoko ma hlongola n'weti, ni mavona ni vona swilo swa ha ta hi le kule lee
By: Julius Khoza
Khosa Xikhotani mpfinyingo waku leva xitamba hunguva xilumbeta tilo. Ahi hungeli ku hungela tuva xingana vutoya, hi kongoma nyimi hiyi langutile hina vaka Cambale, Matlotlo, Xihenyisi, Mabarhule, Makula nkondzo, Mavona ekhoseni. Hi gimeta hi hosi yerhu Magigwana. Khosoooooo Khosaaaaa
By: Albert Khoza
By: Themba Khoza
We bakithi akeningidlulise la! Kulolulwimi lwesitsonga ngabe kukhona yini nome elilodwa nje vo igama elino Z? Ngezifuno zami angikalitholi ndawo sizani ningivule amehlo. Kanti futhi ngicela onomlandu wakwaKhoza wangempela bakithi angithumela kanye nemvelaphi yabo ngokuphelele(
By: kyle khoza
Khoza/ Khosa Xikhotana, wena njhan'wa ka ilali ku lali mbutuma wa ka mawhawhaila, wa mpfinyingi wa ku leva waka sguqa nga madolo wa ka ntila u landzi wu landza hiva hlonga na va ngoni wa ka ntuvuyi wa ka xitamaba hunguva xilumbeta tilo waka Gere ya Magigwana Njhan'waaaa.... Mkhoti
By: Ndiyafi Khoza
Khoza Mabarula, makola nkonzo marisa huku hi balanza, panga ra koxeka.
By: Shadrack Khoza
Khoza, Mabone, gcawuzi, mazalwa emini, uma uzalwe ebusuku ufute ekhabo nyoko, khotane.
By: Nomsa Khoza
Mina ndzi wa ka Khoza, va ka mavone. N'wana wa mangani yo bava, yi bava ni muponi Khoseni. Va ka tsandza a va tluli ku tlula timunti ti nga na masan'wani.Vo kala va nga tekeriwi hansi. Khoso!Mavone. Khoso!Mavone.
By: Bongani Khoza (cossa)
Cossa mavhone, vhakamavhone ridzwevhu ranyoka, ngwina vhaka ntsandze avhatluli kutlula mavhone angakhosa. Ngwina vhaka mati makulu, ngwina vhaka nwanyani angayendi atsamele ngodo, ngwina vaka shiwundla malolo...khoso mavhone.
By: Nelisiwe Khoza
gumede, mnguni, mbiwa, wena wasesphezi, sphanabantwana
By: Duduzile Mkhushulwa
Mlotshwa Msuthu Mkhathini Ntshingwayo Mangena Mlilo Sokhabase Ndlandla
By: Thulani Khoza
Thina singabakwaKhoza elihle elimhlophe elinendonywa ebusweni, abakwaMagcwalembengeni, uThathazonke ukuqala kokufa komuntu omncane kaqhina eladla liguqile kaSobhokozana, abakwaNkayishana kaMavasi, oMzizana, oLamula, oSongo ,Msuthu,nina enehlela ngenzansi.
By: Phumlani Khoza
ONdlandla kaMasikambane kaMbuzinkomeni, ophuhlela ,thina abaphuz'umhluzi wempisi ngoba ingaphuzwa muntu ngob'ubaba!
By: Wakahina
Ehe!! uMagudu lowo kade bamtsho AbeNguni bathi,UMagudu kubema kodwa akabemeki, ngoba engu Mabona, owa bona impi iqamuka nga phesheya ko mpula eNkomazi, Nguye owa vhimba inxaba yase Bhileni,wa phelisa umsaphane,Bayakutsho Khoza bathi,umude kodwa kawumdanga, unga nge nhlanga za mabele,Uya khalipha, ngoba u sika nhlanguthi zombili,nje ngo mkhonto.Uze bathi Ripanga ra kuxeka homu ri xeka maKhoza.Magudu, Phukwana, tinhlanga ta mavele enkanyini. KHOZAUpdated by Simukele HI, SHOULD YOU HOLD A DIFFERENT VIEW, PLEASE WRITE YOUR OWN UNDERNEATH. DO NOT AMEND THE ABOVE. THANK YOU. Mlilo!!!! Ntshingwayo ka Mahloe, Mlotshwa, mkhathini, Ndlandla. Ntshingwayo kaMahole Khoza was a Zulu general during King Cetshwayo reign and hier to his father, Mahole, of the Khoza clan. He togather with Dabulamanzi kaMpande (brother of Cetshwayo) and Mavumengwana kaNdlela Ntuli were the generals at Ipmi yaseSandlwana and were responsible of the complete annihilation of the British contingent!!! Ntshingwayo commanded the ibutho that out menovered Lt Lord Chelmsforsd's centre column to what would be the greatest loss of the British army ever!!!!
By: Thulani Khoza
Thina singoKhoza elihle elimhlophe elinendonywa ebusweni, abakwaMagcwalembengeni, uThathazonke ukuqala kokufa komuntu omncane kaqhina eladla liguqile kaSobhokozana, abakwaNkayishana kaMavasi, oMzizana, oLamula, oSongo ,Msuthu,nina enehlela ngenzansi.
By: Thulani Khoza
Thina singoKhoza elihle elimhlophe elinendonywa ebusweni, abakwaMagcwalembengeni, uThathazonke ukuqala kokufa komuntu omncane kaqhina eladla liguqile kaSobhokozana, abakwaNkayishana kaMavasi, oMzizana, oLamula, oSongo ,Msuthu,nina enehlela ngenzansi.
By: Mjoji Mnguni
1. In KZN, there are two related Khoza branches, the Mkhathini-mlilo and the Mahlase-Sibisi, both are descendants of King Gumede through the House of Shobeni. 2. You are correct, Ntshingwayo was the commander in chief of the Zulu Army at the Battle of Sandlwana.
By: Mjoji Mnguni
1. In KZN, there are two related Khoza branches, the Mkhathini-mlilo and the Mahlase-Sibisi, both are descendants of King Gumede through the House of Shobeni. 2. You are correct, Ntshingwayo was the commander in chief of the Zulu Army at the Battle of Sandlwana.
By: Mlambo Shangana NGOBENI
@commentors. You must understand one says their isithakazelo according to where they were based when historical events take place. The 1st one relates to the Nguni-Shangana Khoza (the Soshangane migrations from Natal to Mozambique) who led the impi regiments. Similarly, the other Khoza (Mkhathini) relates to the remaining Khoza in Natal who was King Cetshwayo's induna. Simple! The same would apply to the one in Zim, Zambia, Malawi etc. Its all about displacements from one place to another. Fools still think these are different, they aren't they are just dispersed in different areas but are from one parent: Khoza/Khosa.
By: Bongi Mfunda
I am Khoza, but i don't know whwere do i come from and i want to know.
By: Mandla Mathaphuna
It seems there are divergent views on this ne?