
Eliminate your cultural knowledge headaches and Enjoy Culture & Technology.

In our ceaseless quest to bring you the very latest web-based cultural search technology, Wakahina has upgraded and enhanced its website. We have simplified sophisticated complexities to ensure your user-experience of our web site remains unparalleled.

Wakahina is an online open-content collaborative african surnames hymns, that is, a voluntary association of individuals and groups working to develop a common resource of human knowledge.

Greet like an African know your people wherever you go.

Need to find out about heritage when you're on the move? No problem. Wakahina has been designed to fit in nicely with the iPad and other mobile devices.

Multiple languages added for better usage.

We have included multiple language support, Multiple clan praises for a surname. Ethnic groups for a surname

9 African languages added to simplify adding of clan praises "Izithakazelo, Direto, Tinanatelo etc..." This will make reading and understanding of a surname simpler.

Help When You Need It

Need to find out more about our services drop us an email will gladly assist in the best way we can.

Whether you are a big brand or a direct response marketer, you're in good company. Contact our sales team to help you achieve your online marketing objectives. Reach your exact audience with Wakahina.

Enhance performance

Get what you want faster and with higher precision.

Using our Quick Jump to Surname it enable you to retrieve a surname easily and quickly while we take care of all the search criteria on the background.
